Our Team
We have built a diverse and experienced team

Barry Jacobson
My wife, my kids and my work are all tops. Outside of that, I have a passion for the game of poker (although I'm not very good yet), sports of all kinds and traveling. Anytime I can park myself on a sandy beach with a cold cocktail I will never turn it down.
1. I somehow have managed to surround myself with all ladies. Three daughters, a wife, and all girls at the office. I’m either really smart or really crazy. Depends on the day.
2. I actually bought a beer pong table for my office, and we play...see fun fact #1 above, I’m either really smart or really crazy! But really, if you can’t have fun while you work, then what’s the point!
3. When I graduated from Ohio State, I moved to Florida and started my career selling copiers. From there I’ve sold all kinds of things and that’s how KMK was born. Now I get to sell literally anything I want!
Color: Blue
Season: Spring- kicks off our busy time!
Favorite Class in School: Sales 101, duh!
Subject in Life: Striving for Happiness
Food: Anything but raw chicken
Vacation Spot: Jersey Shore
TV Show: Shameless
Movie: Elf even though I'm Jewish
1 - Being able to give back. I enjoy selling and making money, but in this industry we always have to the chance to give back to great causes. From charity races, to schools, to rec leagues - whether it’s our time or our products, we jump at the chance.
2 - The chase. Winning that new customer or selling you a product you never knew you wanted. Sales...some hate it, I happen to love it.

Kristen Scanlon
When not living the dream at KMK (truly!), I can be found laughing and living whatever life has thrown my way! I don't take things too seriously and I love making people laugh and being with those that make me laugh. Oh and brunch, I love brunch!!!
"I have two perfect kids and a husband who makes me smile. They are my passion!"
1. I can drop a line from any Salt-N-Pepa song as well as most Bone Thugs-N-Harmony songs - I guess I'm obsessed with 90's rap!
2. I'm pretty obsessed with party planning my daughter's birthdays. She had a real unicorn attend her first birthday and an actual mermaid that swam at her second. Who knows what year 3 will bring!
3. I once won a goldfish at a fair that lived for 7 years. His name was George. He literally jumped out of his tank and died next to it the day after I left for college. Clearly he was very attached to me.
Color: Green
Season: Christmas
Class/Subject in school: Art
Subject in life: Brunching
Food: Anything spicy
Vacation Spot: Key West
TV Show: Beverly Hills, 90210
Movie: Elf
1 - Being involved in peoples happy times! We get to help people pick out holiday gifts, awards, shirts, all kinds of things for important moments and fun times in their lives.
2 - Samples! We get free stuff all the time. Who doesn't love free stuff?!!

Holly Passalacqua
I'm a girl who loves after prom, pumpkin rolls, Flashes of Hope, Starbucks and all things Chagrin! I'm a cheerleader for everyone and willing to lend a hand to anyone in need.
1. I am a #boymom all the way! I have 3 boys and a husband. For many years my house (and still does on college breaks) felt like a frat house.
2. I'm the ultimate soccer mom, minus the minivan! All 3 of my boys played - 1 still does and my husband coaches. You can find me cheering at most games, home or away, and yes, you should definitely question what's in my cup!
3. I want to love to cook. The good intention is always there. If you invite me to a potluck, chances are whatever I bring my mom will have made - you can bet I will deny it though!
Color: Any Shade of Blue
Season: Thanksgiving - it's the perfect mix of family without having to find the perfect gift
Subject in life: Happy Hour
Food: Take Out - seriously, who has time to cook!
Vacation Spot: Hilton Head
Movie: ET
1. High School Spirit Wear - Remember, I'm the ultimate soccer mom. I am proud to bring some fun new styles to not only the kids, but to the parents as well - goodbye boring gray hoodie! Each season, sport and school becomes a new challenge to create something fun and different.
2. Seeing Our Customer's Vision Come to Life - Listening as they explain their wants, then finding the product and creating the perfect art - when it all comes together at the end, it's a great feeling!

Cheryl Tewksbury
I am passionate for the game of Tennis. If I could I would play it 24-7, I would! Aside from hitting some volley's, I've been married to my husband for 21 years and have been a mother to two beautiful girls - Emily whom is a sophomore at Ohio State University and Mollie a freshman in high school. In addition to my lovely ladies, I also have 2 rescue dogs, Finn a Pitbull mix and Abby a Chocolate Lab. At the end of the day, there's nothing I love more than to pour a nice glass of wine and cuddle up to watch my favorite shows.
1. I LOVE chocolate!
2. Cheryl has her Master’s degree in Education emphasis on Curriculum and Instruction with a Reading Endorsement. She taught for 8 years before having children.
3. Number 1 on my bucket list is to travel Europe one day!
Color: Light Blue
Season: Fall-I love the changing of the trees and season, enjoying conversation around a fire and watching football.
Class/Subject in school: I know this is crazy but I love to do research. This why I thrived during my Master’s program. Digging deeper into a specific subject is what I love to do!
Subject in life: Being the best mom and friend to my children and friends. Teaching my children to be happy and successful!
Food: Turkey
Vacation Spot: Anywhere tropical
Book: Fire Fly Lane by Kristin Hannah
Movie: Dirty Dancing
I love discovering someone's passion and helping them share that passion with the world! Each client is unique, each business is unique and so each time we help someone it's unique - it's this uniqueness that makes each day exciting and fun!

Bobby Colagross
When I'm not working you will find me spending time with my two daughters, my family and my friends - cooking, doing hot yoga, listening to music and seeing the world through fly fishing.
Personally and professionally, I love a new challenge and pushing myself in a new direction. I hope to make a positive impact every day, on everyone I meet.
1. Bobby ran the Chicago Marathon as Forest Gump. Run, Forest, run!
2. He has loved every stage of his girls’ lives and thinks that being a dad is the coolest thing ever.
3. Bobby’s happy place is being in a stream, fly fishing. There’s just something about being in the water.
Color: Caribbean Ocean Blue
Season: Fall (fire pit, anyone?)
Class/Subject in School: Geology. I mean, have you ever explored plate tectonics, striations or continental drift? How cool is that stuff?
Subjects in Life: Fly fishing, cooking, wine tastings, music and yoga!
Food: Pot roast sandwiches. It’s like Heaven…if Heaven were a sandwich
Vacation Spot: Northern Michigan in the summer time
Book: Oh the Places You’ll Go! Dr. Seuss
Movie: Braveheart
The promotional products industry is always evolving and never the same on any given day. While we are not splitting the atom, every single customer and project brings a completely different set of opportunities and fun challenges.
I also love being able to help an organization grow. Whether it is a non-profit group that wants to expand its message, a new business that wants to reach new customers, or an established entity that wants to better brand and market itself, it is always amazing to be a part of it! I truly love what I do!

Chuck Fertick
I am passionate about my faith, my family and the people we get to work with!
1. I love Rock and Roll! I play the bass guitar in a Classic Rock Band. I have played since I was in college.
2. I have renovated 6 homes in my life. Currently I am helping my son renovate his!
3. I met my wife, Molly when we were in 7th grade and both served on the “Dance” committee at our church. We were friends for many years until we started dating at age 22. We have now been married 37 years!
Color: Blue
Season: Fall
Subject in School: Art
Subject in Life: My Grandkids
Food: any Fish
Vacation Spot: Drummond Island, MI
Book: the Bible
TV Shows: Law & Order SVU, Prison Break, Designated Survivor
1 - The people. I have met so many incredible people in this industry, both customers and vendors.
2 - Getting to use both my passion for sales and love graphic arts on a daily basis.

Erin Coble
Hi, I'm Erin! Got a question? Shoot me an email, I would love to help!
Subject in Life:
Class in School:
Vacation Spot:
TV Show:

Martina Zellman
Hi! Let me keep this short and simple - I am passionate about my children, traditions and finding happiness in the little things. Life is too short to not find joy in each day!
Oh I also love discovering new places, finding new fashion and photography.
1. Prefer daisies over roses
2. Love coupons and Thrift Stores
3. "Starred" in a commercial cleaning windows
Color: Pink/Glitter (it's a color to me!)
Season: Love them all, but Fall is my favorite!
Subjects in Life: Self-Awareness and Learning New Things
TV Shows: Golden Girls and Unrealistic Romance Movies
I enjoy working with such diverse vendors who supply fun products for our valued clients.
The promotional products industry is a fast paced environment - there is never time to get bored - it keeps you on your toes!

Tonya Steiner
Professionally I am Passionate about Notes...notes...and more notes! Being extremely thorough is something that I thrive at - I sometimes feel it is truly the only thing I am able to control in my life! Being a CSR provides me with the ability to make sure certain jobs are followed through to the end and that the customer is happy with their service and product received.
Personally I am Passionate about Music, Singing and Performing - I have recently begun learning how to play the Ukulele. I enjoy spending time baking, painting, etching glass and trying many other types of hands-on projects. Now that our three daughters are grown and living their own lives, my husband and I love spending time hiking, walking, dining with friends and taking trips with our four pound long-haired Chihuahua Murphy (and yes, we do have a stroller for him!).
1. Sang in a choir to back up Michael W. Smith during a concert in Akron, OH
2. Was Queen of the Mantua Potato Festival during the 1985/86 school year
3. Have climbed Koko Head Crater (stairs) on the island of Oahu, Hawaii on two separate visits (and am still tired!)
Color: Orange
Season: Summer
Beverage: Coffee
Music: Jazz & Blues
Sports Team: Cleveland Indians
Vacation Spot: Oahu, Hawaii
Bucket List: Sky Diving in Hawaii
This industry is extremely fast paced and does not give you the opportunity to become complacent - being kept busy to prevent boredom is what I need in a career...that's never a concern at KMK!

Becca Fraser
Hi, I am Becca! I LOVE baking! Baking is my favorite! I love staying busy, organized and occupied! My favorite things to do, aside from baking, are taking walks in the park with my husband and daughter and spending time by the Ohio River.
1. We served Chinese Food, Popcorn and Cupcakes for our wedding dinner.
2. I have had chicken pox THREE TIMES!! (ick! but thankfully they have not returned!)
3. I finished my Bachelor Degree in 2.5 years instead of 4!
Color: Orange
Season: Fall
Holiday: "Egg Roll Wednesday" (43 and counting!)
Snack: Popcorn! (duh!)
Vacation Spot: Any place with no cell reception, no internet, with plenty of walking or hiking trails and a pond/lake/river to traipse through!
Bucket List: Visit the Fraser Castle in Scotland
Movie: How can I pick just one?? Let's see: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Fly Boys, Ratatouille, Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Moana, and many many more!
The promotional product industry has come such a long way! Being able to find any product and getting the items personalized helps businesses keep their name in front of their customers, which in today's world, is extremely beneficial.

Cindy Dragon
Hi! My passions in life are home decorating and renovating, politics, spending time with my two grandsons (7 and 4), dining out with friends, and any/all television shows on Bravo and HGTV - told you I loved home decorating and renovating!
1. I love Marilyn Manson and hard alternative music! (Never judge a book by its cover!) LOL
2. I went to a rally for Barack Obama and he called on me to ask him a question. So I got to have a conversation with a United States President!
3. I love anything that sparkles and try to wear something every day that is embellished. It helps brighten up the day!
Color: Purple
Season: Winter (Nothing like pajama Sunday’s and football games on a cold day)
Class Subject in School: English
Subject in Life: Reading (mystery novels), Gathering with good friends, Texas Hold’em Poker, Computer Games and Traveling
Food: Sweets, especially anything caramel!
Vacation Spot: A hot sunny beach in a lounge chair with a good book!
Book: Anything by James Patterson (have read them all)
Movie: We’re the Millers
After almost 25 years in the promotional products industry I still love that each order is exciting and different. There is certainly no monotony in the everyday tasks as there is always something new and challenging.
I also enjoy being part of the KMK team and knowing that I can help in a lot of different ways when needed. As a CSR, knowing I am an intricate part of conveying our client needs to the vendors accurately is quite satisfying!

Hi, I'm Sarah!
Vacation Spot:
Bucket List:

Hi, I'm Joodie! I LOVE everyone! My favorite thing to do, aside from being pet, is to make humans smile.
1. People think I can't see. I sometimes run into things but only to make my people smile.
2. I don't run, I hop like a deer.
3. I love unicorns!
Color: Black
Season: Winter, my paws collect the BEST snowballs
Holiday: My Gotcha Day (07/07/2017)
Snack: Raw filet mignon from my kitchen counter
Vacation Spot: KMK...
Bucket List: To get a hug from Holly.
Movie: I don't watch movies. I prefer snuggling
All the people that come into the office and pet me.